活下去!曼波魚! 1.2.3
曼波魚特徵有很特別的外形跟非常大的身體。但它是個非常敏感的生物。會因為小事就死掉GG(´・ω・`)【死因的範例】一口氣潛入海底→哇勒,水太冰!→死曬太陽→睡醒之後發現上了岸到了陸地→死爲了殺掉身體上的寄生蟲而跳起來→掉下來撞擊水面!→死要細心的養育如此敏感的曼波魚,世界最大的2.5噸級曼波魚就是目標!【遊戲玩法】1.吃海裡的小生物體重大量增加!!水母,烏賊和小蝦。在海裡搜索生物,並吃掉牠們。沙丁魚(゚д゚)太(゚д゚)好吃了2.在碰運氣的大冒險中瘋狂增加體重!!爲了大量增加體重,我們要去冒險!但是這場冒險是將是生死存亡的關鍵!如果失敗就完了...(´;ω;`)哭…3.強化你的曼波魚,有效率的增加體重!!用拿到的分數使你的曼波魚變強!去發現新的海中生物及新的冒險!M9( ゚д゚)4.死亡不是結束!是開始新的開始!越死越強大的曼波魚!!邁向世界最大的曼波魚=2.5噸,開始新的冒險!Mola has a veryspecialcharacteristic shape with a very large body.But it is a very sensitive creatures. Because of little thingstodie GG ('· ω · `) [Example] cause of deathBreath seabed→ Wale, ice water too!→ DeadSunbathe→ After waking up on the shore to find land→ DeadTo kill parasites on the body and jump→ fall hit the water!→ DeadTo raise such a sensitive and attentive Mola,The world's largest 2.5-ton Mola is the goal![Gameplay]1. Eat small sea creatures large increase in weight !!Jellyfish, squid and shrimp. Search in the sea creatures andeatthem.Sardines (゚ д ゚) too (゚ д ゚) delicious2. crazy weight gain in luck big adventure !!To a significant increase in body weight, we're goingtoadventure!But this adventure was going to be the key to survival!If the failure is finished ... ('; ω; `) cry ...3. Strengthen your Mola, efficient weight gain !!Used to get the scores to make your Mola become strong!To discover new sea creatures and a new adventure! M9 (゚ д ゚)The death is not the end! Is the beginning of anewbeginning!The more powerful the more dead fish Mambo !!Mambo into the world's largest fish = 2.5 tons, to start anewadventure!
Survive! Mola mola! 3.2.4
The"closest animal to heaven" has arrived! Brand-new gamewhere"death=pleasure"
Hunt Cook: Catch and Serve 2.9.2
Rabbits!? Ravens!? Serve wild game YOU catch to make yourrestaurant a success!
ハントクック -狩りからはじまるジビエ料理のレストラン- 2.9.2
Hound & owner "Tencho" Heartwarming and restaurant managementwith! Let's make the Jibie cuisine in wild meat!
生きろ!マンボウ!〜3億匹の仲間はみな死んだ〜 3.2.4
"That creature closest to heaven" appeared in the game finally!Unprecedented, free training games! Of sunfish and "to die ispleasure" of